Sergio and the sigil

Transitioning - part I - getting out

Posted by Sergio on 2008-08-25

Consulting engagements are supposed to end, even after 4.5 years. So, yes, my current assignment with the client is scheduled to end this week (is this job change season?). I didn't honestly expect it to last that long when I started but I guess the balance is positive.

With the end of the assignment my current priority becomes making sure I leave applications that can be maintained by the in-house staff. I can see at least 3 aspects that can impact the success or not of the transition — but only of them can be dealt with at this point. Read on.

1 - Design with maintainability in mind

That's where a truly successful transition starts. Of course there are situations where maintainability is not at the top of the list (think short-lived applications,) but we wouldn't even be talking about transition in those cases.

For all the other situations, which has been most of them for me, maintenance has to be factored in during the pre-coding stages of the project. That's when your senior developers will use their experience to identify potential support trouble in the solution design, before they come to life.

On that front I believe we did a good job within our limitations. I believe the applications were conceived with careful consideration to maintenance and, whichever parts of them created maintenance overhead, happened because of honest ignorance — not sloppiness. So check that off.

2 - Involve the maintenance staff during development

Without becoming annoyingly obvious here, it's always beneficial to have more than one developer knowledgeable about any one part of the application. Be it through code reviews, pair programming, or some other mechanism.

That's especially true for consulting engagements. Raise the red flag whenever you see a situation where only consultants/contractors are working on a project that is expected to be maintained by the client's staff.

Unfortunately the prominent structure of a project team at this client only included a single developer — sometimes an employee, other times a consultant. That was not something that I was ever in a position to change. I raised that flag but... oh, well. Whatever.

3 - Knowledge transfer of the parts you own

If the first two items were taken care well, the knowledge transfer can be just a formality. The less effectively we take care of #1 and #2, though, the greater the pressure on #3 will be.

When transitioning parts of the application that you're the only one that is familiar with, then there are several things to consider: existing documentation, the background of the people taking on the application support, the fancier parts of the code, the embarrassing parts of the code, and the design principles behind it all (if any.)

I think documentation is important but it only goes so far. There are many things that will require sitting in front of the screen, opening the code and/or database, and explaining how things flow.

It's also important to know the style of each developer. If you are dealing with a data-first type of programmer, then you have to make sure enough time is given to discuss the database design. Conversely, if the developer is an objects-first subscriber, the business objects in your code will deserve some more attention. The type of developer you are will also affect this discussion.

I try not to be excruciatingly detailed in the transition to avoid burning out the other developers before they even start touching the code. I try to leave some things that seem clear enough to be discovered by them as they go.

Lastly, if possible, stop taking on support tasks for the application being transferred and have the new crew take care of them while you're available to help. This will also help guiding the knowledge transfer meetings.

In my case I knew I was in trouble for being the only developer on the project(s) so the transition meetings became inevitably numerous and lengthy. In a way I was lucky that I knew I'd be leaving the client more than a month in advance so I could prepare better for this. Being with that client for such a long time also helped knowing the other developers well enough to make a list of items I really wanted to ensure got the necessary talk time.

I don't think it is possible to leave the client thinking 100% of the possible issues are understood, but we are doing a responsible job of covering our bases. At minimum I know the code is in good hands.

Good advice is always welcome. Do you have experiences to share? Anything I could take care of in the next five days?

Designing With Lambdas - Part IV

Posted by Sergio on 2008-05-08

My previous posts in this series revolved around using lambdas to encapsulate logic. In this post I'll show a different side of the lambdas, the expressions.

Lambda Expressions

We have already seen that lambdas can be used to create anonymous methods to be passed wherever a delegate is expected. That's not the end of the story, though.

Lambdas can also be used where an Expression<DelegateType> is expected. The difference is that the compiler will not resolve the lambda to an anonymous method. Instead the lambda will be converted to an expression tree, which is a way to describe the code in the lambda.

If you used LINQ to SQL for example, you have already been using lambdas that are converted to expressions. Expressions are what enable LINQ to SQL to convert a LINQ query like this:

from cust in Customers
  where cust.City == "London" 
  && cust.ContactTitle == "Sales Representative"
  select cust
into a SQL query like this:
	[t0].[CustomerID], [t0].[CompanyName], 
	[t0].[ContactName], [t0].[ContactTitle], 
	[t0].[Address], [t0].[City], [t0].[Region], 
	[t0].[PostalCode], [t0].[Country], 
	[t0].[Phone], [t0].[Fax]
FROM [Customers] AS [t0]
	([t0].[City] = "London") 
	AND ([t0].[ContactTitle] = "Sales Representative")

In particular, pay attention to how the where clause was converted from C# syntax to SQL syntax.

Yet another JSON converter

Let's illustrate how expressions can be used by creating some code to convert objects to JSON.

What I will try to produce here is a converter that let's me specify which properties of my object will be included in the JSON version of the object.

One way to accomplish this could be by simply passing a list of property names to a conversion function that would work some reflection magic and extract the properties into the JSON format.

string userJson = ConvertToJson(userObj, "Name", "Email", "Age");

The biggest problem here, in my opinion, is not the reflection activity behind the scene, it's those strings. If you change the name of any of the properties the compiler and the refactoring tools won't be able to help you updating those strings. You may end up with runtime errors.

With lambdas and expressions we can do better. Here's the syntax that I will build.

class Company               
	public string Name { get; set; }      
	public int CompanyID { get; set; }      
	public string Address { get; set; }     
	public bool PlatinumCustomer { get; set; }    
	public string InternalControlNumber { get; set; } 

// object that we will convert
var acme = new Company {        
	Name = "ACME, Inc." ,       
	InternalControlNumber = "3X77-AC",  
	Address = "123 Main St, Anytown, ST", 
	PlatinumCustomer = true,      
	CompanyID = 789         

//convert it but only copy a few properties
string json = ConvertToJson<Company>(acme,  
	c => c.Name,        
	c => c.CompanyID,     
	c => c.PlatinumCustomer);

The resulting JSON string, stored in the json variable will be:

{"Name":"ACME, Inc.", "CompanyID":789, "PlatinumCustomer":true}

Each of the lambdas passed in contain just one access to an existing property. As soon as you start typing this you'll already see the advantage of working with strongly-typed constructs like this. IntelliSense will automatically list the Company properties and methods once you type c.. Also, if you rename one of the properties, the IDE will offer to rename all references to that property, and the lambda will also be included in the renaming. Lastly, your code won't even compile if you make a typo.

The code for ConvertToJson will receive an array of expressions of type Expression<Func<T, object>>. This type looks complicated but if we think about it from the inside out, Func<T, object> is something you typically see in regular lambdas. It's a delegate type. As soon as we decorate that delegate type with an Expression< T > around it, the compiler will continue to accept the lambda syntax for anonymous methods but now the method never gets invoked, it will become an expression tree, which is then passed to the function. Here's the function.

public static string ConvertToJson<T>(                 
	T data,                            
	params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] properties)         
	int exportedFields = 0;                      
	StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder();                
	foreach(var prop in properties)                    
		string propName = null;                    
		object propVal = null;                   
		if(prop.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess)          
			PropertyInfo pi = 
			propVal = pi.GetValue(data, null);             
			propName = pi.Name;                  
		else if(prop.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)          
			UnaryExpression expr = (UnaryExpression)prop.Body;       
			PropertyInfo pi = 
			propVal = pi.GetValue(data, null);             
			propName = pi.Name;                  
		if(propName != null)                     
			string stringVal = null;                 
			if(propVal == null) stringVal = "null";            
			else if(propVal is string) stringVal = "\"" + propVal + "\"";    
			else if(propVal is bool ||               
				propVal is byte ||               
				propVal is int ||                
				propVal is long ||               
				propVal is short)                
					stringVal = propVal.ToString().ToLower();  
			if(exportedFields > 0) json.Append(", ");         
			json.AppendFormat(@"""{0}"":{1}", propName, stringVal);      
	return json.ToString();                      

Designing With Lambdas - Part III

Posted by Sergio on 2008-04-29

In the previous two installments of the series we discussed how we can use lambdas to encapsulate more processing logic and to create contextual APIs. In this post I will show another example of the latter.

Navigating directory structures

This time around we will try to create a safe way to browse and create directories without losing track of the current location. When we write code to read files or directory information from a directory structure, and we need to look into more than one directory, we have to be careful to always be sure of what the current working directory is or use only absolute paths. Neither approach is without its inconveniences.

What I'll try to show here is a way to enforce the working directory as a lambda context. That can be a mouthful so let me try to put it in simpler terms. I'd like to have a way to assert that when a particular code runs, the working directory will be changed to a specified location, and after that code finishes the working directory is restored automatically.

Without lambdas, the context setting could resemble the following:

string previousDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
	Environment.CurrentDirectory = @"c:\myapp";

		Environment.CurrentDirectory = 
		Environment.CurrentDirectory = @"c:\myapp";

	Environment.CurrentDirectory = previousDir;

All those try and finally are there to make sure we restore the appropriate working directory after we are done with each one. I don't know about you, but having a lot of those in my code would add a lot of noise, obscuring the real intent of the code.

What if we could, once again, encapsulate this pattern in a function that accepts a delegate? Here's what a way more revealing code would look like.

Dir.Change(@"c:\myapp", path =>
	//we're in c:\myapp
	Dir.Change(subdir =>
		//we're in c:\myapp\subdir
		string dirName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
		//we can ask it to create the directory if 
		//  not found (the "true" parameter)
		Dir.Change(dirName, true, dailyLogDir =>
			//we're in c:\myapp\subdir\2008-04-29 (for example)
			using(StreamWriter wr = File.CreateText("logfile.txt"))
				wr.WriteLine("Hello file.");

		//we're back in c:\myapp\subdir

		//we can pass in a deeper path
		Dir.Change(@"resources\images\toolbar", imagesDir =>
			//we're in c:\myapp\subdir\resources\images\toolbar
			//listing all files here
			foreach(string file in imagesDir.GetFiles("*.png"))
				Console.WriteLine("Toolbar icon: " + file);


Within each Dir.Change block we can be certain that the current working directory will be the one we specified (unless your own code intentionally changes it.) When the code block finishes, we will be back to whatever directory we were before the block, guaranteed.

Note in line 4 that the name of the directory can be gathered from the parameter's name subdir. This is not always possible because we could be dealing with multi-level directory changes (line 22) or dynamically generated directory names (line 10). Additionally, the rules for naming directories are not the same as for naming C# identifiers. For these reasons, it's also possible to pass a string containing the name of the desired directory.

Here's the code that makes this possible.

public static class Dir
	public static void Change(Action<DirectoryInfo> execute)
		Change(false, execute);

	public static void Change(string path, Action<DirectoryInfo> execute)
		Change(path, false, execute);

	public static void Change(bool createIfNeeded, Action<DirectoryInfo> execute)
		string path = execute.Method.GetParameters()[0].Name;
		Change(path, createIfNeeded, execute);

	public static void Change(string path, bool createIfNeeded, 
							Action<DirectoryInfo> execute)
		string previousDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

			if(createIfNeeded && !Directory.Exists(path))

			var di = new DirectoryInfo(path);
			Environment.CurrentDirectory = path;
			Environment.CurrentDirectory = previousDir;

	public static bool TryChange(string path, Action<DirectoryInfo> execute)
			Change(path, false, execute);
			return true;
			return false;

So there you have it. Another example of incorporating lambdas to design APIs that attempt to reduce code noise and eventually read more naturally. Hopefully you're starting to see a pattern here in terms of what a context can be and how lambda-aware APIs can help formalizing that context.

Designing With Lambdas - Part II

Posted by Sergio on 2008-04-14

In my last post I went through a very simple example of applying lambdas to achieve more DRY.

In this installment I'll cheat a little and rehash a previous article I wrote before this blog existed. The article fits rather nicely in this series.

Creating XML with .Net

In .Net two of the most popular ways of creating XML are the System.Xml.XmlDocument, which implements the XML DOM, and System.Xml.XmlTextWriter. There's a new interesting way in VB9 using Xml Literals, but it is hardly popular at the time of this writing.

These APIs are obviously old-timers in .Net and were created before lambdas were available. For the sake of comparison, let's see how we would write the following XML document using these two APIs.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--Children below...-->
    <child age="1" referenceNumber="ref-1">child &amp; content #1</child>

    <child age="2" referenceNumber="ref-2">child &amp; content #2</child>
    <child age="3" referenceNumber="ref-3">child &amp; content #3</child>
    <child age="4" referenceNumber="ref-4">child &amp; content #4</child>

    <child age="5" referenceNumber="ref-5">child &amp; content #5</child>
    <child age="6" referenceNumber="ref-6">child &amp; content #6</child>
    <child age="7" referenceNumber="ref-7">child &amp; content #7</child>

    <child age="8" referenceNumber="ref-8">child &amp; content #8</child>
    <child age="9" referenceNumber="ref-9">child &amp; content #9</child>

With the good ol' DOM, this document could be produced using something like this.

XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root = xml.CreateElement("children");

XmlComment comment = xml.CreateComment("Children below...");

for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
	XmlElement child = xml.CreateElement("child");
	child.SetAttribute("age", i.ToString());
	child.SetAttribute("referenceNumber", "ref-" + i);
	child.InnerText = "child & content #" + i;

string s = xml.OuterXml;

Nothing too dramatic here. But my argument is that the only thing the DOM API has going for it is its ubiquitousness, which is not a minor feat considering how clunky the API is. Look at all those set this and append that. Can you still remember when you were first learning the DOM and never remembering how attributes were set?

Now it's the XmlTextWriter's turn. Here's the code to write the same XML document.

StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
XmlTextWriter wr = new XmlTextWriter(sw);

wr.WriteComment("Children below...");

for(int i=1; i<10; i++)
	wr.WriteAttributeString("age", i.ToString());
	wr.WriteAttributeString("referenceNumber", "ref-" + i);
	wr.WriteString("child & content #" + i);


string s = sw.ToString();

The XmlTextWriter API is rather efficient but, golly, is it a b!tch to use. No kidding, folks. Miss one of those WriteEndXXXXXX and you're toast. Good luck in your debugging session.

But enough of bashing our favorite APIs. The point here is just to show a draft of what an API like this could be designed in the era of lambdas.

XmlBuilder - let the lambdas in

What if we could somehow wrap the XmlTextWriter in a way that we could never forget to close an element? Remember how we wrapped the code in FileUtil.EachLine in the first installment of this series? We wrote that method in such a way that the file will never be left open by accident. I think we could do the same with the XmlTextWriter API.

Take a moment to inspect the following code. Put yourself in the shoes of a developer that is trying to write XML for the first time and needs to choose an XML API.

string s = XmlBuilder.Build(xml =>
	xml.Root(children =>
		children.Comment("Children below...");

		for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
			children.Element(child =>
				child["age"] = i.ToString();
				child["referenceNumber"] = "ref-" + i;
				child.AppendText("child & content #" + i);

Did you notice how the code structure maps nicely to the XML document structure? See how there's no way for you to forget one of those AppendChild calls from the DOM or WriteEndElement from the XmlTextWriter?

I particularly like the way the attributes are defined using the indexer syntax. Do you see how I chose to format the lambdas so that they look like C# control blocks? Placing the opening brace of the lambda in the next line created this indented block of code that defines some form of context. The context in this case is "inside this block I'll be building one XML element. When the block ends, the element ends."

You can download the code and play with it. It's only a proof of concept and there's a lot of missing functionality that I hope to implement one day, probably when I decide to use it in some real project.

Explanation of the code

Below you can see an excerpt from the code, showing how the Element() method was implemented. Let's discuss it.

public virtual void Element(Action<XmlElementBuilder> build)
	string name = build.Method.GetParameters()[0].Name;
	Element(name, new Dictionary<string, string>(), build);

public virtual void Element(string localName, 
			Action<XmlElementBuilder> build)
	Element(localName, new Dictionary<string, string>(), build);

public virtual void Element(string localName, 
			IDictionary<string, string> attributes, 
			Action<XmlElementBuilder> build)
	XmlElementBuilder child = new XmlElementBuilder(localName, Writer);
	child._tagStarted = true;

	foreach(var att in attributes)
		child[att.Key] = att.Value;

	build(child);// <-- element content is generated here
	_contentAdded = true;

Looking at the various overload of this method we can see how the lambda comes into play and also at least one more trick. The very first method reflects into the given delegate (the lambda) to determine the name that was used for the single parameter of Action<XmlElementBuilder>. That's how we did not need to specify the children and child node names. Of course this is not always desirable or possible because the naming rules or XML elements is different than C# identifiers, so the other overloads let us specify the node name.

In the last overload of Element() is where the real code is. Line #19 Writer.WriteStartElement(localName); opens the element, line #25 build(child); invokes the lambda passing a builder instance for what goes inside the element. Line #26 Writer.WriteEndElement(); makes sure we keep synch with the element we started in line #19, by ending it before the method exits.

For easier reference I'm including the code for XmlElementBuilder and its base class.

public class XmlElementBuilder : XmlBuilderBase
	internal XmlElementBuilder(string localName, XmlTextWriter writer)
		: base(writer)
		Name = localName;

	public string Name { get; protected set; }

	public void AppendText(string text)
public abstract class XmlBuilderBase
	protected XmlBuilderBase(XmlTextWriter writer)
		Writer = writer;

	internal XmlTextWriter Writer { get; set; }
	private bool _contentAdded = false;
	private bool _tagStarted = false;

	public virtual void Comment(string comment)
		_contentAdded = true;

	public virtual void Element(Action<XmlElementBuilder> build)
		string name = build.Method.GetParameters()[0].Name;
		Element(name, new Dictionary<string, string>(), build);

	public virtual void Element(string localName, Action<XmlElementBuilder> build)
		Element(localName, new Dictionary<string, string>(), build);

	public virtual void Element(string localName, IDictionary<string, string> attributes, Action<XmlElementBuilder> build)
		XmlElementBuilder child = new XmlElementBuilder(localName, Writer);
		child._tagStarted = true;

		foreach(var att in attributes)
			child[att.Key] = att.Value;

		build(child);// <-- element content is generated here
		_contentAdded = true;

	Dictionary<string, string> _attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
	public string this[string attributeName] 
				return _attributes[attributeName];
			return null;
				throw new InvalidOperationException(
					"Cannot add attributes after" + 
					" content has been added to the element.");

			_attributes[attributeName] = value;

				Writer.WriteAttributeString(attributeName, value);

I realize the code I'm providing here is not a complete solution for all XML creation needs, but that's also not the point of this series. The idea here is to explore ways to incorporate lambdas in the API. When you think about it, this design has been possible all along via delegates since .Net 1.0. Anonymous delegates made this a much, much better. But only with the expressive lambda syntax we are seeing an explosion of this type of delegate usage.

Designing With Lambdas - Part I

Posted by Sergio on 2008-04-12

When our programming language of choice gets a new feature, it's usually not that hard to start using that feature right away from a consumer's point of view.

I could use the introduction of generics in .Net 2.0 as an example. When I wrote my first C# 2.0 piece of code, it already made use of the existing generic classes and methods, especially the ones in the System.Collections.Generic namespace such as List<T> and Dictionary<TKey,TValue>.

But it took a little more time until I learned how to design my own classes offering generic functionality. Reaching the balance of when to create generic classes, when to create generic methods, or when not to use generics only comes with some exercise.

I think this will be the case with lambdas for many people, including myself. Detecting opportunities to apply lambdas can make all the difference between a class that is a joy to use and one that is just the same old thing.

Processing lines in a file

My first example will be a more concise and less error-prone way of processing lines in a text file. Consider this hopefully familiar piece of code.

using(StreamReader rd = File.OpenText("Data.txt"))
	string line = rd.ReadLine();
	while(line != null)
		// do more stuff with the line text

		//move on
		line = rd.ReadLine();

How many times have you written something like this over and over? I know I did. If I were to compare the various times I implemented this, I would probably notice that the only thing that is different is the logic inside the while block. This should be a clue that a delegate or lambda could help make this pattern reusable.

But how do we create a reusable method that performs this common task without providing the logic inside the while? The last paragraph gave away the answer: delegates.

Let's create a helper class with a method to encapsulate the pattern at hand.

public static class FileUtil
	public static void EachLine(string fileName, Action<string> process)
		using(StreamReader rd = File.OpenText(fileName))
			string line = rd.ReadLine();
			while(line != null)
				line = rd.ReadLine();

The body of the EachLine method is almost the same as the original implementation we started with. The difference, as expected, is that we replaced the DoSomething(line) with a call to process, which is a delegate of type Action<string>, meaning that it expects a function that accepts a single parameter of type string and does not have a return value.

Using our new method, we can rewrite the original example like this.

FileUtil.EachLine("Data.txt", line => DoSomething(line));

Not bad. In this particular case, because we are just forwarding the line parameter to DoSomething, the call can be further simplified taking advantage of C#'s new shortened delegate creation syntax.

FileUtil.EachLine("Data.txt", DoSomething );

There you have it. Hopefully this assists someone in their journey in this new lambda thing.