Sergio and the sigil

Have you met arguments.callee?

Posted by Sergio on 2010-09-10

Just the other day I had a need to use arguments.callee and I realized that's not something you really see every day in JavaScript. Maybe I could talk about it a bit.

Anonymous functions everywhere

It's not news to anyone reading this blog that one of JavaScript's workhorses are anonymous functions. Callbacks, strategies, deferred execution, event handlers, etc. They just seem to be all over the place — and for a good reason; they can be convenient and reduce the pollution of a bunch functions that are only called from a single spot.

Another nice thing is that, once your eyes are trained to ignore the little bit of noise that they add to the code, the code is really readable and, dare I say it, expressive.

Yet another contrived example

Let's say we are really into reinventing the wheel and with our understanding of anonymous functions we create a revolutionary map function:

function map(array, compute){
  var result = [ ];
  for(var i=0; i < array.length; i++){
    result.push( compute(array[i]) );
  return result;

This function, as you can hopefully see, transforms each element of the given array into something else and returns the array of the transformed elements. Two simple uses are shown below.

//apply discount
var prices = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var discount = 0.1; // 10% off today, w00t!
var newPrices = map(prices, function(price){ return (1-discount)*price; } );
//==> [0.9, 1.8, 2.7, 3.6]

//compute areas
var squareSides = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var squareAreas = map(squareSides, function(side){ return side*side; } );
//==> [1, 4, 9, 16]

I warned you the examples would be contrived, didn't I?

Now your product manager comes and asks for a page where the users can enter a list of numbers and get the factorials for each of them. You immediately think your friend the map function will save the day. You start and...

//return the factorials
var userNumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var factorials = map(userNumbers, function(number){ 
  if(number <= 1) { return 1; }
  return number * ????????(number - 1); // ooops! I need to recurse here.
} );

You see, there's this thing with anonymous functions. They don't have a name, d'oh. As I said in the beginning, we typically use them in situations where they are called only once so we can inline them and forego the need fora name. But now we're kind of wishing they had a name.

Anonymity won't hide you from me

Well, if the post tittle didn't already give it away, we can achieve that with arguments.callee. Using arguments.callee inside a function gives us a reference to the function itself. So now we can finish our code.

//return the factorials
var userNumbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var factorials = map(userNumbers, function(number){ 
  if(number <= 1) { return 1; }
  return number * arguments.callee(number - 1);
  //or if you were using "this" in the function you'll probably want to:
  // return number * arguments.callee.apply(this, [number - 1]);
} );
//==> [1, 2, 6, 24]

A more real world scenario

I won't leave you without at least a reference to a real use case for this feature. The example I'll show comes from Nicholas Zakas. In a blog post a while ago he showed how we can break up long running tasks with smaller timed/deferred chunks, improving the browser's responsiveness.

Here's the function from his blog post, which process chunks of an array for 50ms, then stops and call itself back to process the remaining items soon after that — giving the browser a chance to breathe and take care of its interaction with the user

//Copyright 2009 Nicholas C. Zakas. All rights reserved.
//MIT Licensed
function timedChunk(items, process, context, callback){
   var todo = items.concat();   //create a clone of the original


    var start = +new Date();

    do {, todo.shift());
    } while (todo.length > 0 && (+new Date() - start < 50));

    if (todo.length > 0){
      setTimeout(arguments.callee, 25);
    } else {
  }, 25);

I hope this shows you a little new trick.

More on blocked files

Posted by Sergio on 2010-06-23

I've written about this before. You download a file to use in your web application, like a JavaScript library or an image file but the browser just can't seem to load it. You spend hours looking for a typo or broken link until you find out about that Unblock button and you realize that it's IIS that isn't serving the file. The file had been there; you had the correct URL all along; it's just disallowed.

I actually developed the reflex to right click and unblock each an every file I download now. It's stupid, isn't it? I should have imagined there was a way to disable that Windows feature instead of just learning how to live with the problem.

Well, no more. Here's how you can disable it. Credit goes to this article.

  • Run gpedit.msc (the group policy editor)
  • Go to User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Attachment Manager
  • Find the setting named Do not preserve zone information in file attachments and enable it
  • Log off then log back on, or update the current policies with: Gpupdate /force in any command prompt.

Note: If you're using Chrome it looks like there's some bug that may or may not be taken care of as you read this. Chrome doesn't seem to honor the policy setting and always mark the downloaded files as unsafe.

Now I just need to add this to the list of tasks anytime I get a new machine or repave one of them.

Rule "Previous releases of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008" failed

Posted by Sergio on 2010-03-07

Today I was trying to install SQL 2008 on my box and the setup stopped after checking a bunch of rules. The error message was the title of this post.

A quick search on the internet revealed that somehow the installer didn't believe I had VS 2008 SP1 installed, which I did. The recommendations in the KB article were kind of insulting. There's no way I'd spend hours of my day uninstalling and reinstalling VS and SQL — sorry, no chance. I also could not accept not installing the Management Tools, for example. I also did not have any Express version of VS or SQL installed in this box.

A little snooping around with ProcMon led me to the following registry key:


In that key I noticed the suspicious values:


Without quitting the SQL server installer validaton screen, I changed these values to what you see below, crossed my fingers and rerun the installer validation, which passed!


Now, I didn't really guess those values. I looked in a sibling registry key (...Servicing\9.0\PRO\1033) and saw that it contained those new values, then I copied them.

I think I didn't break anything. So far all seems to be working. But, as usual with anything related to manual registry hacking, you have to be really insane to change your settings because you read on a random blog on the 'net. I'm just saying... Don't come crying if your house burns down because of this.

Code coverage reports with NCover and MSBuild

Posted by Sergio on 2010-02-09

I've been doing a lot of static analysis on our projects at work lately. As part of that task we added NCover to our automated build process. Our build runs on Team Build (TFS) and is specified in an MSBuild file.

We wanted to take code metrics very seriously and we purchased the complete version of the product to take full advantage of its capabilities.

Getting NCover to run in your build is very simple and the online documentation will be enough to figure it out. The problem comes when you begin needing to create more and more variations of the reports. The online documentation is a little short on this aspect, especially on how to use the MSBuild or NAnt custom tasks. I hear they plan to update the site with better docs for the next version of the product.

NCover Complete comes with 23 different types of reports and a ton of parameters that can be configured to produce far more helpful reports than just sticking to the defaults.

For example, we are working on a new release of our product and we are pushing ourselves to produce more testable code and write more unit tests for all the new code. The problem is that the new code is a just tiny fraction of the existing code and the metrics get averaged down by the older code.

The key is to separate the code coverage profiling (which is done by NCover while it runs all the unit tests with NUnit) from the rendering of the reports. That way we only run the code coverage once; and that can sometimes take a good chunk of time to produce the coverage data. Rendering the reports is much quicker since the NCover reporting engine can feed off the coverage data as many times as we need, very quickly.

Once we have the coverage data we can choose which report types we want to create, the thresholds for sufficient coverage (or to fail the build), which assemblies/types/methods we want to include/exclude from each report and where to save each of them.


To demonstrate what I just described in practice, I decided to take an existing open source project and add NCover reporting to it. The project I selected was AutoMapper mostly because it's not very big and has decent test coverage.

I downloaded the project's source code from the repository and added a file named AutoMapper.msbuild to its root directory. You can download this entire file but I'll go over it piece by piece.

We start by just importing the MSBuild tasks that ship with NCover into our script and declaring a few targets, including one to collect coverage data and one to generate the reports. I added the NCover tasks dll to the project directory tools/NCoverComplete.

<Project DefaultTargets="RebuildReports" 
  xmlns="" >
  <UsingTask  TaskName="NCover.MSBuildTasks.NCover" 
  <UsingTask  TaskName="NCover.MSBuildTasks.NCoverReporting" 

    <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>

  <Target Name="RebuildReports" DependsOnTargets="RunCoverage;ExportReports" >
    <Message Text="We will rebuild the coverage data than refresh the reports." 
          Importance="High" />

  <Target Name="RunCoverage" >
    <!-- snip -->

  <Target Name="ExportReports" >
    <!-- snip -->

Now let's look closely at the target that gathers the coverage data. All it does is tell NCover (NCover console, really) to run NUnit over the AutoMapper.UnitTests.dll and save all the output to well-known locations.

<Target Name="RunCoverage" >
  <Message Text="Starting Code Coverage Analysis (NCover) ..." Importance="High" />

  <NCover ToolPath="$(ProgramFiles)\NCover"

    TestRunnerArgs="$(InputFile) /xml=$(NUnitResultsFile) /out=$(NUnitOutFile)"

    SymbolSearchLocations="Registry, SymbolServer, BuildPath, ExecutingDir"

Of special interest in the NCover task above are the output files named automapper)-coverage.xml and automapper-coverage.trend, which contain the precious coverage data and historical trending respectively. In case you're curious, the trend file is actually a SQLite3 database file that you can report directly from or export to other database formats if you want.

Also note the IncludeTypes and ExcludeTypes parameters, which guarantee that we are not tracking coverage on code that we don't care about.

Now that we have our coverage and trend data collected and saved to files we know, we can run as many reports as we want without needing to execute the whole set of tests again. That's in the next target.

<Target Name="ExportReports" >
  <Message Text="Starting Producing NCover Reports..." Importance="High" />


    ProjectName="$(Scenario) Code"

What you can see in this target is that we are creating three different reports, represented by the Report elements and that we are changing the satisfactory threshold to 80% code coverage (down from the default of 95%) and the maximum cyclomatic complexity to 8. These two blocks of configuration are passer to the NCoverReporting task via the parameters OutputReport and SatisfactoryCoverage, respectively.

The above reports are shown in the images below.

Focus on specific areas

Let's now say that, in addition to the reports for the entire source code, we also want to keep a closer eye on the classes under the AutoMapper.Mappers namespace. We can get that going with another reporting target, filtering the reported data down to just the code we are interested in:

<Target Name="ExportReportsMappers" >
  <Message Text="Reports just for the Mappers" Importance="High" />
      <!-- add more Report elements as desired -->
      <!-- include/exclude more classes, assemblies, namespaces, 
      methods, files as desired -->


    ProjectName="$(Scenario) Code"

Now that we have this basic template our plan is to identify problem areas in the code and create reports aimed at them. The URLs of the reports will be included in the CI build reports and notification emails.

It's so easy to add more reports that we will have reports that will live for a single release cycle or even less if we need it.

I hope this was helpful for more people because it did take a good amount of time to get it all sorted out. Even if you're using NAnt instead of MSBuild, the syntax is similar and I'm sure you can port the idea easily.

How to detect the text encoding of a file

Posted by Sergio on 2010-01-26

Today I needed a way to identify ANSI (Windows-1252) and UTF-8 files in a directory filled with files of these two types. I was surprised to not find a simple way of doing this via a property of method somewhere under the System.IO namespace.

Not that it's that hard to identify the encoding programmatically, but it's always better when you don't need to write a method yourself. Anyway, here's what I came up with. It detects UTF-8 encoding based on the encoding signature added to the beginning of the file.

The code below is specific to UTF-8 but shouldn't be too hard to extend the example to detect more encodings.

public static bool IsUtf8(string fname){
  using(var f = File.Open(fname, FileMode.Open)){
    var sig = new byte[Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble().Length];
    f.Read(sig, 0, sig.Length);
    return sig.SequenceEqual(Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble());

Maybe I just looked in the wrong places. Does anyone know a simpler way in the framework to accomplish this?